Set in an alternate 19th-century Japan near the end of the Boshin War, Shadow of the Road combines tradition, modernity, Japanese mythology, and steampunk technology. Yōkai are supernatural entities that live in this enchanting realm where your decisions shape destiny. Each one is inspired by folklore and popular beliefs. Today’s new trailer for Shadow of the Road show reveals some…
Last week, I covered news that the JRPG-inspired Path of the Midnight Sun will be launching in January. I was pretty excited about it. It has a strong concept: taking care outside of battles helps within battles. It’s like an entire game based on self-care! Well, I’ve now had the…
Read MoreThere was a statement floating around social media on the weekend stating “JRPGs were made during an era that didn’t have the tools to create action RPGs. Nowadays the average gamer doesn’t want random turn-based combats that don’t make any sense.” I don’t know who said that (I saw a…
Read MoreCircus Electrique has intrigued me from the beginning. The publisher described the game as part story-drive RPG, part tactics, and part circus management; and it’s not like there’s tons of circus-themed turn-based tactical management RPGs floating around out there. I’m so interested in it, that it made my list of…
Read MoreBefore I sat down to play The Cruel King And The Great Hero, I thought it was going to be in the same vein as The Liar Princess And The Blind Prince, a previously-published NISA title with a very similar aesthetic. That would have been enough for me. The Liar…
Read MoreCompile Heart and EastAsiaSoft have announced a release date for what might be the most pervy game on Nintendo Switch. Seven Pirates H will release worldwide on May 12, 2022. Previously released in Japan only on the PlayStation Vita, this is a visually upgraded “ultimate” edition from Idea Factory. The…
Read MoreRelayer is God Wars, but located in space. That comparison isn’t going to help you if you were one of the many people that unfortunately overlooked God Wars (and therefore missed one of the finest tactics JRPGs ever), but if you imagine a heavily narrative-driven fantasy adventure, backed by traditional…
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