Review: Ys X: Nordics (Nintendo Switch)


Ys isn’t the oldest JRPG property out there, but it’s one of them, and it’s also one of the most prolific. If you ignore all the re-releases and just concentrate on the main series, there is just one period where there was a substantial hiatus (1996-2002). Otherwise, the longest fans…

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Review: RPG Maker WITH (Nintendo Switch)


RPG Maker doesn’t need any introduction at this point. It’s been around since 1992! People have been making their own little video games in their favourite genre for more than 30 years! Over time the tools have become easier to use, and it’s become easier to share and play each…

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Review: Reynatis (Nintendo Switch)


Reynatis’ single biggest flaw is that it tries too many things, and while each of its themes would in itself be worth exploring, piled into a heap together they create a narrative that often seems confused about what it is. Take for example the theme of fascism and resistance that…

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