Review: Gnomes (PC)


There was a brief period of time where the tower defence genre was a big deal and just about everyone was trying to get on board with it, right through to the biggest publishers. It’s easy to understand why – the games are relatively easy to develop, and it’s relatively…

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Review: Scarlet Snowfall (Nintendo Switch)


Horror is such a difficult genre for artists to work with. People think it’s easy because they have memories of more-comedy-than-scary slashers and B-grade films, bad acting and all. There’s also the perception that it’s not a particularly subtle genre, and therefore must be quite easy to work with. But…

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Review: Wanderstop (Xbox Series X)


I can only speak for myself, but burnout is absolutely horrible. I’m the type of person who can cause it to happen to me because of the pressure I put on myself. I have always felt the need to be perfect. It has nothing to do with the outside world…

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Review: Head Over Heels: Deluxe (PC)


The games we play when we’re young absolutely do shape our appreciation of gaming when we’re older. If you had asked me when I was about 14 what the best game in the world was, the answer would have been easy. Bubble Bobble, and obviously that’s still scientifically true, but…

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Review: Glover (Sony PlayStation 5)


There was a time when the 3D platformer was one of the most creative genres out there. Driven by the delight that people had for Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, and others, developers fell over themselves to try to carve out their own niche with quirky, different ideas. Most of those…

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