Grizzly Man is the fourth title in LCB Game Studio’s Pixel Pulps series, beginning a second trilogy titled “Pixel Pulps DTV Collection.” (DTV is short for direct-to-video.) It is a psychedelic slasher game about a former MIB agent who was severely injured in a mysterious attack, waking up with full amnesia. Ten years later, he is working as a field…
Purple Ray Studio is an indie startup studio from Poland that created Boti Boy for an Unreal game jam back in 2021. Apparently the team was happy with what they’d come up with, because now there’s a full-scale game in the works, simply titled Boti, and if that can capture…
Read MoreSome of the greatest feats of media can draw back their origins to some of the most primitive corners of the Internet. Just think about how great Kingdom of Loathing or Nethack has been over the years. And that’s why we’re paying attention to ASTILBRA Revision, a side-scrolling action RPG…
Read MoreIn recent years, a reprisal of retro art styles has taken the limelight of indie horror games. While some aren’t too keen on it, we do like our retro aesthetics at DDNet, so the upcoming release of SIGNALIS by rose-engine has certainly caught our attention! Between the art, the classic…
Read MoreAtone: Heart of the Elder Tree is Norse mythology-inspired rhythm combat RPG by a developer in New Zealand, a publisher in Poland, and a composer from Australia. Talk about worldly! The story-driven game has been available on Apple Arcade since September 2019, but it’s now set to also be released…
Read MoreI’m a big fan of for the freedom and open platform that it allows for developers to be creative, experimental, and directly canvas the audience for feedback for games that are not yet ready for primetime on Steam and its ilk. In addition, allows you to be transgressive,…
Read MorePenko Park is simultaneously one of the most original games you’ll ever play, and also something so shamelessly derivative that it’s hard not to wish it could have been more ambitious. Thankfully, the creative bits are the ones that matter to the overall quality of the game. Related reading: We…
Read MoreThere isn’t any way to properly articulate just how heart-wrenchingly emotive the original To the Moon was when it had first released back in 2011. We’re not sure how a beach-themed side-story is meant to work, given most beach episodes are not exactly the most emotionally hard-hitting, but that’s what…
Read MoreLater on this week (actually, tomorrow) Penko Park will launch on Nintendo Switch. This game was something of a cult favourite on PC, where not too many people played it, but those that did absolutely loved it. It’s basically a cute-creepy take on Pokémon Snap, where you’re tasked with moving…
Read MoreI’m a big fan of for the freedom and open platform that it allows for developers to be creative, experimental, and directly canvas the audience for feedback for games that are not yet ready for primetime on Steam and its ilk. In addition, allows you to be transgressive,…
Read MorePenko Park is what happens when you take a Tim Burton nightmare, and mash it with Pokémon Snap. The game has become something of a cult hit “hidden gem” on Steam, where it released back in 2020, but now it’s coming to Nintendo Switch. I’ve got to say, the Switch…
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