The DDNet Awards! Nintendo Wii U Game of the Year


Welcome to the DDNet Awards, our annual celebration of the best and brightest games that we’ve been playing throughout the year. It has been a really good year for games in 2016, with great examples of every genre popping up through the year. Across 15 categories over the next three…

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The 100 canonical games: 50-41


There are thousands upon thousands of games that have been released over the years. Narrowing them down to a “top 100” was always going to be a challenge, but the whole DDNet team has come together to build a list of the 100 most canonical games that we feel all…

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The best ten games from the first half of 2016


List by Matt S.  So, the first half of the year is now done. And, to be honest, it has been one of the best starts to a year for games that we’ve ever seen. From the most niche of Japanese otaku games, through to the biggest blockbusters you can…

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