Review: Ryan North’s To Be Or Not To Be (Nintendo Switch)


Review by Matt S. There are two things that are true about Shakespeare. One, more people should read, and learn to appreciate, the great bard than do. For far too many, Shakespeare starts and stops at the more “boring” end of school curriculums, and that’s a pity because learning to…

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Review: Choices That Matter: And Their Heroes Were Lost (Nintendo Switch)


Review by Matt S. I don’t have too much to say in this review, which is not in any way a reflection on the quality of Choices That Matter: And Their Heroes Were Lost. It’s just that it’s the third in a series that share the same structure and qualities,…

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This Week’s Switch Port Announcements: Friday, 7 September 2018


News by Matt C. Every week, there are approximately 2394875629384756 announcements for Switch ports of previously-released games. That’s great news for Switch owners, bad news for our wallets, and awful news for Lindsay, DDNet’s news editor. In an effort to cover the flood of announcements without cluttering the site or…

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The fast five with Neil Rennison: The Tin Man that got us nostalgic for classic game books


Interview by Matt S. Neil Rennison has been a significant presence in the Australian game development scene for some years now. He, and his development brand, Tin Man Games, quickly built a reputation for producing excellent classical game books for mobile devices. More recently, the ambition of the studio has…

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