A new trailer for The Caligula Effect: Overdose has landed!


News by Matt S.  The Caligula Effect is a genuine work of genius. It’s deep, powerful, and philosophically dense, which, on the PlayStation Vita, made it one of those little gems that relatively few people discovered, but within that group, it found some real fans (including me). The Caligula Effect:…

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The philosophy behind the most brilliant JRPG you haven’t played


Interview by Matt S.  Yamanaka Takuya is the perfect example of the benefit of having the director of a video game come from outside of game development. Young for a game director, and appearing more like an indie rock musician than game developer (which is amusing, because he shares a…

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The catch-up coffee: Monday, September 3, 2018


News by Lindsay M., News Editor Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s regular catch-up news feature. With each issue we will bring you the best news that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us (and our favourite news…

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