Review by Matt S. We’ve seen plenty of single-player games borrow elements from MMOs in the past, especially in terms of the combat system. However, we haven’t seen that many single-player games try and be an actual solo MMO. Games such as Xenoblade Chronicles and White Knight Chronicles had combat…
Read MoreImpressions by Clark A. Despite its popularity, the first season of Sword Art Online was met with rather mixed critical reception. Popular points of contention included a central protagonist deemed to be a Gary Stu, the show’s uneven pacing, and a second story arc deemed wholly inconsequential. Much as I…
Read MoreNews by Clark A. Sword Art Online has proven to be a rather divisive show since it began airing, with many watchers either thoroughly decrying it or becoming enraptured by its high-stakes drama. Nonetheless, its popularity has skyrocketed since 2012 and there’s clearly sufficient hype surrounding the show’s second season…
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