Review by Matt S. The Caligula Effect was the smartest game that almost no one played. Sadly, while I would very much like to see the sequel get the attention that it deserves, I do think it’s going to be a case of history repeating here. The problem that both…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. I’m annoyed by Toree 2. My irritation comes with the disclaimer that this game costs less than a cup of bad coffee, and yes I do know that in that context, for the price, there’s nothing inherently wrong with Toree 2. On the other hand, there’s…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Given that THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny was released five years ago on PC (where it’s just called “Eternal Destiny”), I am a little disappointed that the developer didn’t clean up the localisation for release on the Nintendo Switch. It’s horrible, and sours the experience from…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It’s difficult to shake the notion that Nintendo and the developers that it works with are not quite sure what to do with Metroid. The formula is, of course, of an excellent standard. An entire genre (i.e. the “Metroidvania”) doesn’t get named after a game that…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. When you have a moment spare, go and look at a picture of the Gamecube controller. Take a close look at the analogue sticks. Notice something? If your response was “the case around the stick has eight little ridges”, then you’re looking at the biggest problem…
Read MoreReview by Alex Kidman. One of the biggest surprises of the most recent Nintendo Direct was the announcement of Actraiser Renaissance. Long-held as one of the early jewels of the SNES library, it was an utterly dormant IP, right up until the moment it was revealed for a quick release…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Nomad Games and Tin Man Games are a tale of two companies, and since I don’t have all that much to say about Fighting Fantasy Legends (you’ll see why soon enough), I may as well weave that tale instead. Tin Man Games started out, many years,…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Georges Bataille once wrote of Marquis de Sade that his intention was to “release dangerous movements and be their first victims.” The overtly fetishistic tone of Mary Skelter Finale is obvious within seconds of starting, and much like Sade, it proved too much for “polite society.”…
Read MoreReview by Alex Kidman. Lost in Random loves a fantasy storytelling trope. Utterly adores them, in fact, because so very much of its narrative attraction lies in the way it tells what is otherwise a pretty standard tale. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Evil queen. Dark magics…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Making a game that is critical of what we take for granted in capitalism seems like a Sisyphean effort, given that, more than any other art form, the entire industry is slavishly and unquestioningly devoted to capitalism. This same week people are out there buying a…
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