Review by Matt S. Boot Hill Bounties is disappointing. Here is a fresh new JRPG – my favourite genre – being released onto Switch at a time that COVID-19 is forcing us all to self isolate, and therefore I have plenty of time to get stuck into it. What makes…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. We’ve all heard the old adage: “In space, no one can hear you scream”. And while that’s technically true, and while it might be effective in sending viewers to see Ridley Scott’s Alien, it’s not the most accurate way of considering extraterrestial life. You see, “no…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. I try not to use the word “hate” much, because it’s an overly emotive word and doesn’t really suit video games – if you genuinely hate a game or games, you’re a little too invested in them. However, the dislike that I feel for collect-a-thon 3D platformers…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Horror is one of the more difficult genres to get right. Silent World shows just how wrong things can go. Usually with games that are such significant misfires as this I want to give the developers the benefit of the doubt, and say that a lack…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Vampire: The Masqurade is “the other” Dungeons & Dragons. It’s been kicking around since 1991 in pen-and-paper form, and there have been numerous attempts – unofficial and official – to recreate the game into video game form. The appeal is obvious, in offering a modern Gothic/punk…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. I was only vaguely familiar with La Mulana when I first put on my Indiana Jones fedora and dived into the self-proclaimed Archaeological Ruin Exploration Action Game. As I did, I thought to myself “I’ve played a bunch of Metroidvanias before, what harm could one more…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Space Invaders is my game. In fact, were it not for Space Invaders I may have never become so invested in video games as I am today (though the jury’s out on whether that’s a good thing or not). I had played other games before Space…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Deep breath here, because what I’m about to say is going to get me in a lot of trouble with a certain category of people. It happens every time a Nintendo game trends high and sells a lot of copies; if you say anything other than…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. The long-forgotten and neglected Doom 64. The odd sheep in the family. The game that was basically dead on arrival on its initial release, because the Nintendo 64 was doing some fascinating things with the shooter genre even as Doom remained steadfastly traditional. It’s good that…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It has to be a tough life to be a street cat. Scavenging around for rubbish and often only able to eat by the good graces of humanity – the same species whose behaviour is the underlying cause of why most street cats are out there…
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