Review by Matt S. Root Double is a visual novel that I wish I had have written. There are parts of its narrative that frustrate me, but those pale in comparison to the fact that this game is a taut, intense survival thriller, with the kind of narrative that explores…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It is appropriate to make the core motif of a Shiren the Wanderer game – a genuine pioneer in the now saturated roguelike genre – that of fate and fortune. The roguelike, after all, depends entirely on the metaphoric roll of the dice, to determine everything…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. In theory, I would love Mad Tower Tycoon. I find myself enjoying the tower builder simulators most of all. I still regularly play Project Highrise on my Switch, for example. I find the idea of little, self-contained communities within big towers fascinating, and with those really…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. LoveKami: Divinity Stage loves boobs. Big, heaving, gravity-defying boobs. Boobs that burst out of whatever too-tight clothing is meant to be holding them in and yet, oddly, boobs that don’t seem to have nipples. There are a number of instances through LoveKami where the boobs are…
Read MoreReview by Matt S.There is a lot to discuss with regards to the topic Replica covers. This is a game about Orwellian surveillance and a fascist, censorious state causing individuals to turn on one another via their digital lives. It’s dense stuff, worthy of study and debate. The problem that…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. As a property, I have so many issues with Kingdom Hearts, and a lot of it stems from being something that should have been so easy for Square Enix. Take Disney, and Final Fantasy, and mash them together. Let Donald Duck summon those great monstrosities of…
Read MoreReview by Clark A. Based on QV’s opening and eShop description, you’d be forgiven for expecting an isometric puzzle game with the scope of an epic. They hype up the last member of a chosen lineage and her duty to prevent the collapse of the entire universe. This is technically…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. Azurebreak Heroes is a solid little game which proved a formidable distraction to be over the past week. Developed solo by Piotr Powroziewicz and ported to the Switch by Silesia Games, it’s an action RPG with randomly generated elements, and a gameplay loop reminiscent of Risk…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. At the start of the week, I reviewed the latest in the Call of Duty series; a flaming piece of nationalist trash set during the Cold War. I’ll wrap this week up with a review of games that I wish represented the FPS genre; the Serious…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Ball porn. That’s right. That’s how I’m opening this review. Ball porn. We often use “XXXX porn” to describe a game that is so meticulous in its recreation of a real-world object that it almost seems to fetishise that object. It’s usually something we use in…
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