Review by Matt S. Mario Golf: Super Rush is at its best when it’s not trying to be super or rush. When it’s focused on simply being a bright, colourful golf game, starring Mario and the gang, it is the best Mario sports title that we’ve seen in quite some…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. As I was playing Legend of Mana, I found myself constantly wondering at just how innovative and beautiful this game must have seemed back on the PlayStation, where it originally released in 1999 (2000 in North America). On its art and aesthetics alone, this is one…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Disgaea faces a big problem, which Disgaea 6 exposes; when you’ve got a series that has parodied JRPGs through raw exaggeration, how do you keep that series’ energy going? How do you take something that is already hyperbolic to an almost grotesque degree, and build further…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It has been great to see Taiwan become a growing force in video games, in no small part because culturally and aesthetically there are synergies between it and Japan that has meant that many of the games that come out of Taiwan do great things with…
Read MoreReview by Alex Kidman. It’s complicated having nearly the same name as a video gaming mascot. Not that I think there are too many people out there actually called “Sonic The Hodgehog” or “Maryo Maryo” to speak of. Still, with a name like mine, the years when Alex Kidd was…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. My first few levels of SHING! were spent battling with my fingers to try and wrap around this game’s bizarre control scheme. It’s a brawler where the left stick moves and the right stick is used for attacks – flick in a horizontal direction to jab,…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. This review is going to be pretty negative, so there’s something I want to say up front: I think that it is a wonderful thing that Nintendo published DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power. There is a simple reality here that the big publishers do very…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Nintendo’s pivot towards LEGO-like entertainment experiences has been a joy to behold. Between the AR Mario Kart, Labo, and now Game Builder Garage, Nintendo is out there encouraging kids to be creative, to design things, and to learn important thought processes and logic as they have…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. The ninja has become an almost mythological figure within Japanese history and culture. In reality, they were actually reasonably mundane; the ninja “tradition” has been born of a combination of spies that the samurai would use to keep an eye on one another, and guerrilla warrior…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. I went into Wing of Darkness expecting a cross between Liberation Maiden and Ace Combat. You pilot a giant suit of mech armour controlled by an empowered woman (that being the Liberation Maiden part) in aerial dogfights that are similar in style to Ace Combat. That…
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