

Review by Matt S. I was so very close to succeeding, and I thought I was going so well. There I was, a space ship fleeing through the vast reaches of the universe with vital intel on a hostile rebel fleet. I was keeping just the one step ahead of…

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Review: Adventure Time: Explore The Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW (3DS)


Review by Matt S.  Wayforward is usually reliable. Even when it’s building licensed titles it’s usually reliable (Thor on the DS is a truly great brawler). And while Wayforward is well known for its platformers, it has proven that it does understand dungeon crawlers with the excellent Silent Hill: Book of…

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Interview with Australia’s Morgan Jaffit on Kickstarter and Defiant Development’s Hand of Fate


Interview by Matt S. One of the first game developers to jump on the Kickstarter opportunity when it launched in Australia was Brisbane-based Defiant Development, and its game, Hand of Fate, is currently over halfway there, having earned $27,605 at time of writing out of a total goal of $50,000.…

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