There is quite possibly one piece of software left missing from the iPad before it will consume my life permanently: RPG Maker. Being able to make my own games on the go with the iPad, and hopefully with the ability to share my creations with others would be an enormously…
Read MoreThere is quite possibly one piece of software left missing from the iPad before it will consume my life permanently: RPG Maker. Being able to make my own games on the go with the iPad, and hopefully with the ability to share my creations with others would be an enormously…
Read MoreAre you looking for a quest for true love while overcoming jealous dragons and vengeful princesses? A Gay Dragon focuses on Melwin’s quest to find true love, in the form of a prince. Located in a castle, every level requires you to direct Melwin to the prince and return to…
Read MoreAre you looking for a quest for true love while overcoming jealous dragons and vengeful princesses? A Gay Dragon focuses on Melwin’s quest to find true love, in the form of a prince. Located in a castle, every level requires you to direct Melwin to the prince and return to…
Read MoreThe Simpsons classic arcade experience returns with an Xbox Live edition that keeps the original ROM intact and adds in a few little extras- but is that enough? If you were in an arcade (or pizza joint) in the early ’90s, then you know what cabinets you were looking for.…
Read MoreThe Simpsons classic arcade experience returns with an Xbox Live edition that keeps the original ROM intact and adds in a few little extras- but is that enough? If you were in an arcade (or pizza joint) in the early ’90s, then you know what cabinets you were looking for.…
Read MoreThe Minis service on the PlayStation Network often throws up some entertaining little games that just about everyone then ignores, or waits for them to go free for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Hungry Giraffe is an example of that kind of game. It’s nothing that iOS or Android players haven’t seen…
Read MoreThe Minis service on the PlayStation Network often throws up some entertaining little games that just about everyone then ignores, or waits for them to go free for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Hungry Giraffe is an example of that kind of game. It’s nothing that iOS or Android players haven’t seen…
Read MoreLooking at the screenshots, To The Moon looks like a JRPG. More specifically, it looks like an RPG Maker project. The reality couldn’t be further from that. This is in many ways the ultimate in indie game development; it’s highly experimental, and as you dig in, the more you realise…
Read MoreLooking at the screenshots, To The Moon looks like a JRPG. More specifically, it looks like an RPG Maker project. The reality couldn’t be further from that. This is in many ways the ultimate in indie game development; it’s highly experimental, and as you dig in, the more you realise…
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