Dear readers, please bear with me. It’s been a long day. I’ve spent hours in front of an old CRT monitor at a police station watching video evidence, trying to determine… … Wait. No. That was an iPad, not a mid-90s computer monitor. There were definitely hours spent in front…
Read MoreReview by Jedediah H. Resident Evil, the original PlayStation 1 classic, is responsible for moulding me into the bravest of precociously chiselled boys. A frail representation of awkward 1996 childhood, I had no clue as to what I was screaming myself into when I, with my best friend and his…
Read MoreReview by Jedediah H. Whether you closely follow and intelligently participate in politics, or reluctantly observe its policies, promises, and the disparate outcomes that follow from behind news coverage of Taylor Swift’s perfect post-workout limp, you probably have a sense that something is smelly and awry within the world of…
Read MoreReview by Chris I. If there’s any question whether the gaming industry has lost some of its forward progression momentum into a viable artistic medium, you can point to the debacle now known as ‘Gamer Gate,’ and the fallout of that across the entire industry. Thankfully, the appropriately named developer,…
Read MoreReview by Brad L. Flockers represents a lot of my PC gaming childhood; when I wasn’t playing the latest Sierra and LucasArts point-and-click adventures, I was playing Lemmings, Lemmings 2: The Tribes, and Worms a lot. With Flockers, Team 17 has flown in and basically given me the core mechanics…
Read MoreReview by Chris I. The PS Mini service was a promising place where small indie games could easily make their way to Sony’s gaming consoles, but was largely overshadowed by the rise of the mobile gaming industry. As with most services, the catalog shelved a handful of gems and one…
Read MoreReview by Chris I. Heralding itself as a “rogue-lite,” Rogue Legacy comes clanking its way onto the PlayStation Vita, bringing its unique genealogy-based, retro platforming action to the portable console for great hardcore gaming on the go. It’s a game with seemingly endless personality and replay value, so be sure…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. The Forza series has always been an agreeable racing franchise for me, despite the fact I myself am not always particularly good at racing titles. I tend to lean towards racing games that focus more on comic mischief (think: Mario Kart), but the Forza racing series…
Read MoreReview by Chris I. If the title of this satirical little retro platform title comes off a bit confusing, know that it is a shortened version of a much longer title: FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 2 PLAY! This is a game that intentionally pokes fun at the Free-to-Play business…
Read MoreReview by Clark A. The exceedingly niche Monster Monpiece has been shrouded in controversy ever since Idea Factory announced the game would be receiving a release beyond Japanese shores. It’s no secret why some audiences deemed the game inappropriate; take a gander at the animation on the game’s Wikipedia page (remembering…
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