Review: Arkedo Series – 01 Jump (PSN)


There’s a point where retro becomes too retro for its own good. The good “modern retro” games, such as Dot Game Heroes or Spelunker HD, understand what makes retro fun, while also understanding that retro games were not perfect and some modern conventions are a positive development in the name…

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Review: Arkedo Series – 01 Jump (PSN)


There’s a point where retro becomes too retro for its own good. The good “modern retro” games, such as Dot Game Heroes or Spelunker HD, understand what makes retro fun, while also understanding that retro games were not perfect and some modern conventions are a positive development in the name…

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Import Review: Kyuiin (PSN)


… That’s all that can be said, really. Just … Are you tired of uninspired entries in stale and stagnant franchises? How about firing up the old vacuum cleaner and going for a ride? With its clean look and fresh concept (even now, all these years later), Kyuiin is one…

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Import Review: Kyuiin (PSN)


… That’s all that can be said, really. Just … Are you tired of uninspired entries in stale and stagnant franchises? How about firing up the old vacuum cleaner and going for a ride? With its clean look and fresh concept (even now, all these years later), Kyuiin is one…

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Review: White Knight Chronicles: Origins (PSP)


On the PlayStation 3, White Knight Chronicles was a poorly received mix between MMO and JRPG. The reception was unfair – the game featured a large traditional RPG world and a fairly standard (but enjoyable) battle system that looked much like something from a World of Warcraft clone. It was…

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Review: White Knight Chronicles: Origins (PSP)


On the PlayStation 3, White Knight Chronicles was a poorly received mix between MMO and JRPG. The reception was unfair – the game featured a large traditional RPG world and a fairly standard (but enjoyable) battle system that looked much like something from a World of Warcraft clone. It was…

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