Review by Matt S. At its core, Final Fantasy X is a tragic love story, with some pretensions to Shakespearean philosophy and high drama. It’s not always successful in achieving such lofty goals, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the finest Final Fantasy games ever designed. If…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. The first Dynasty Warriors on the PlayStation 4 isn’t a main numbered Dynasty Warriors game. The Xtreme Legends subtitled games have traditionally acted as “expansion packs” for the main numbered Warriors games, in that they offer much more content without changing any of the fundamentals of…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It must be a tough act to follow up the Disgaea games. That series of tactics JRPGs is so finely balanced, complex, and ultimately rewarding that any game made “from the same team as Disgaea” was always going to be exposed to some serious scrutiny from…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. When you see the name Ninja Gaiden, certain expectations spring to mind. My own history with the series dates back to enjoying the simple side scrolling arcade brawler in very difficult NES titles. After the shift to 3D gameplay the series has instead been interested in bathing…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. I was truly impressed by SteamWorld Dig when I reviewed the original release of it on the Nintendo 3DS last year. It was a hugely creative little game that successfully merged platformer and Mr Driller-style play together, and mixed in a really neat steam punk theme…
Read MoreReview by Shaan J. While I don’t often find myself playing your typical zombie horror often, there’s been an evolution of the genre over the last few years that’s hard to miss, even for a casual such as myself. While the shuffling undead used to serve as moving targets, newer…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. Awesomenauts Assemble! takes an almost ‘kitchen sink’ approach to things, tossing in RPG elements, 2D platforming and MOBA principles to create an addicting experience that is both unique but a lot of fun to play. If that sounds like an odd mix of things to put…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. When it came to the first Dark Souls, I loved the game while not really liking it. As much as that sounds like a contradiction, I can explain. Dark Souls was a brilliant game with near-perfect level design. It featured a truly difficult but rewarding difficulty…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. Putty Squad is an interesting mishmash of ideas that come together early to create a different kind of platforming experience, but one that may not be suited to everyone. The hero of this game, Putty, is a little blue blob who can jump, float, punch and…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. I don’t think there was a single point in time where Dragon Ball Z: The Battle For Z made any kind of sense to me. I’m not the world’s biggest Dragon Ball fan, and the narrative itself was clearly made for fans of the show. While…
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