

There are rumors galore circulating about tonight’s Sony announcement. Most believe it will center on a PlayStation 4 announcement, some think that some news about the Vita – including a price cut, while others think perhaps a handful of big titles will be announced. This seems like a good time…

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PS2 Classics Review: Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PS3)


The Disgaea series has always been renowned for one reason above all others: its incredible depth. The good news is that unlike previous-gen visuals and antiquated gameplay conventions, raw depth is something that doesn’t age, so when it comes to re-experiencing the Disgaea games as PlayStation 2 Classics, they are…

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The PSN Update- The Skyping Dead edition


Much like other download services this week, the first episode of The Walking Dead takes the feature spot on the PSN. But there are some other things to download this week other than yet another rendition of a zombie apocalypse (albeit a really good looking one with great word of…

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The PSN Update- The Skyping Dead edition


Much like other download services this week, the first episode of The Walking Dead takes the feature spot on the PSN. But there are some other things to download this week other than yet another rendition of a zombie apocalypse (albeit a really good looking one with great word of…

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