Review by Nick H. Tenkai Knights is an anime with a narrative that centres on living bricks called Tenkai. Five young boys on Earth in the year 2034 find a gateway to Quarton, the homework of the Tenkai, and are chosen to become the new guardian Tenkai Knights to battle…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. The award for the oddest “game” release on the PlayStation 3 this year will surely go to Short Piece: Ranko Tsukihime’s Longest Day. I say that because it’s not really a game. Not really. Short Peace is actually four short animated films, and one short game…
Read MoreInterview by Jedediah H. The future is overloaded with possibilities. Because we tend to overestimate ourselves, when we lay belly-down on our sofas after a morning of spontaneous, mountainous trail climbing and boulder tossing, and visualise the landscape of our coming years, our predictions can be pretty, maybe even unrealistically,…
Read MoreNews by Jedediah H. Borrowing ideas from occultism, which is the study of spiritual reality, and theosophy, which concerns the nature of divinity, developer Encryptique’s breakthrough title, Tulpa, appears to be a phantasmagoria of combined, grim perceptions. Taking place in a shifting world, Tulpa sets you in the role of…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Murasaki Baby is disturbed. Not just for its art style, which was clearly inspired by a mix of The Brothers Grimm and Tim Burton. That aesthetic has its role, and performs an admirable job of making it clear to players from the outset that this is…
Read MoreImpressions by Matt S. Without a shadow of a doubt I am going to love Never Alone. While I was only able to play one level at Tokyo Game Show, that short experience was already pulling on my heart strings in a genuine manner that made me care more about…
Read MoreReview by Brad L. “Just one more dig!” was a common sentence I uttered during my time with SteamWorld Dig. Not since Diablo II have I played a game that caused me to stay up longer than I’m accustomed to, just for the sheer fact that I was completely hooked…
Read MorePreview by Nick H. We have been following Tri for a while now, with a focus on the unique art style it brings to the table. However, looking at still images is a world apart from getting our hands on the game – which is what I finally had a…
Read MoreReview by Sam M. CounterSpy places itself within the Cold War. Two sides, the Imperialist States and the Socialist Republic are competing in the Space Race. But it’s not the race you’re most likely thinking of. It’s a race to blow up the moon. C.O.U.N.T.E.R. has been tasked with finding…
Read MoreReview by Jedediah H. One of my best friends who like me considers himself to be a hyperactive gaming aficionado avoids games he considers childish. “Kiddie crap,” he calls them. So when he joined and observed one of my late night streams of The Last Tinker: City of Colors, his…
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