Review: World Supremacy (PC)


World Supremacy is a strange beast. It somehow tries to sneak casual, light strategic action into a hardcore wargame package. I’m not entirely convinced it works, but I personally found it a lot of fun. Control the world, Risk-style See, on the surface, it’s not even close to being accessible.…

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Review: World Supremacy (PC)


World Supremacy is a strange beast. It somehow tries to sneak casual, light strategic action into a hardcore wargame package. I’m not entirely convinced it works, but I personally found it a lot of fun. Control the world, Risk-style See, on the surface, it’s not even close to being accessible.…

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Preview: Pride of Nations (PC)


Hardcore strategy games are, for the most part, a delicate mixture of realism and simulation on steroids. Paradox Interactive’s Pride of Nations is no exception, combining the usual intense military strategy with the dictator level of government (public) control, and influence over the private sector. Whilst there is no real…

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