Article by Matt S. Liyla and the War of Shadows is a free game that you’ll be able to complete in ten minutes. It’s also a game that I consider to be essential, and the most important game that you will play in a very long time. Developed by a…
Read MoreOpinion by Matt S. I am certain that by now everyone DDNet reader has seen the latest Persona 5 trailer and the announcement of the (Japanese) release date. If you haven’t all those details are here. Related reading: Matt’s review of Persona 4, this game’s predecessor. There is going to…
Read MoreArticle by Matt S. Over at Daily Review, I’ve published a new piece, looking at how blockbuster games are increasingly used as a platform for propaganda, promoting nationalist (sorry, ‘patriotic’) ideological views, right through to outright xenophobia. That’s nothing new for the arts, of course – film, literature and other…
Read MoreArticle by Matt S. So yesterday I published my review of Uncharted 4, a game I enjoyed a great deal, though not without reservations. You can read that review here. Thinking more broadly about Uncharted 4 as a blockbuster, and the relationship that blockbusters have with the game media, I’ve…
Read MoreOpinion by Matt S. I’ve been inspired by Kotaku Australia’s Mark Serrels. The guy has a strong opinion about his right to illegally download Game of Thrones, and he is willing to keep coming back to tell us how wrong we are if we disagree with him. That takes gumption.…
Read MoreOpinion by Matt S. Nintendo has announced the launch date of its Wii U successor (and, we suspect, a home console that also has a portable element and is therefore successor to the 3DS). The NX will release in March 2017, as we were told at an investor’s briefing today.…
Read MoreArticle by Matt S. Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita is one of the greatest books in the history of literature. Nabokov’s observations on the American culture that underpin the book, and his subsequent deconstruction of it through darkly transgressive humour, is by turns humorous and shocking, but at all times it’s breathtaking…
Read MoreOpinion by Matt S. Blizzard has announced that it will remove an “over the shoulder” victory pose of one of its characters in Overwatch after it received complaints that the backside, that people should naturally expect to see when viewing someone wearing skintight leggings from behind, was “sexualised.” You can…
Read MoreOpinion by Sam M. I’ve never had a pet. Well, I have had the occasional fish but they float around without a care in the world. As a kid, there was never really a strong connection as I would have with a dog or a cat. Growing up, my pets…
Read MoreDespite the superb sales figures, the recent Fire Emblem game has been the subject of some incredibly fierce controversy. The reason for that controversy is that Nintendo, when localising the game, decided to engage in some self-censorship of the material, removing some parts of the game, and changing the dialogue,…
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