Review: Minecraft Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone (Microsoft Xbox One)


I was terrified when it was announced that Telltale was doing a narrative game season based on Minecraft. Minecraft, of all things! The most open-world game available, the game which I have easily sunk hundreds of hours into playing over the past five years, the game which I’ve seen grown…

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Catch-up coffee Monday: October 5


Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s weekly news feature, Catch-up coffee Monday. Each Monday we will bring you the best news from the previous week that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us! This Week in Apple TV…

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Review: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Microsoft Xbox One)


There have been no shortage of remakes, remasters, and HD thingamabobs since the newest generation of consoles released, and it was only a matter of time until the original Gears of War got the updated treatment. Of the titles that deserved an Ultimate Edition of this nature from the last…

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Catch-up coffee Monday: August 31


Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s weekly news feature, Catch-up coffee Monday. Each Monday we will bring you the best news from the previous week that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us! Minecraft is coming to a…

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Gamescom 2015: Microsoft’s Briefing


With Gamescom being dubbed the second biggest video games conference after E3 (although we’d argue the Tokyo Game Show should at least have that second-place spot), several industry bigwigs are having briefings at this year’s event. Read on to learn about Microsoft’s briefing. The slogan they are going with? “Jump…

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