Review by Matt S. Goichi Suda is, without a doubt, my favourite individual game maker out there. Relentlessly transgressive in how he approaches his work, Suda tears down walls with aplomb, and his healthy taste for the surreal and sublime alike mean that his work effortlessly displays a unique creativity;…
Read MoreList by Matt S. Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so every so often we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste…
Read MoreOpinion by Matt S. With all the hype from the E3 2014 shows of Sony, Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft starting to die down, I’ve spent the rest of the day (here in Australia) processing all that I just saw. Valiant Hearts is clearly the most emotionally loaded game that we…
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