In the Fate franchise, pairs of masters and heroic spirits known as servants have been fighting in a series of Holy Grail Wars, with the winning duo winning and ancient artifact that grants wishes. Fate/Samurai Remnant continues the story of the Holy Grail War in the fourth year of the…
Read MoreNobunaga’s Ambition has finally landed on the Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the series’ 40th anniversary, Koei Tecmo has gone all out to make this latest entry in the venerable series assessable, story-driven, and interesting, and the team there has comprehensively succeeded. Related reading: Our interview with the producer and director…
Read MoreIn recent years (thanks largely to the success of the Ryza trilogy), Gust and Koei Tecmo’s Atelier series has grown from being a very niche and micro-budget JRPG property to become something that, while not exactly mainstream, holds itself well in the market and can find an audience beyond genre…
Read MoreNobunaga’s Ambition is more niche than the top strategy games out there that jump to mind immediately when you think about the genre. Civilization and Total War rule the roost, of course. However, there are also the likes of Crusader Kings and Age of Wonders, which have rapidly become major…
Read MoreIt’s a month until Nobunaga’s Ambition: Awakening launches, and the press seems to be ramping up for the tactical strategy game, the 16th in the historical simulation franchise. Today, pre-orders opened up for the PC and PlayStation 4 versions of the game; Nintendo Switch pre-orders will open on June 29.…
Read MoreWith 16 titles across 40 years, there are very few properties that have had the kind of longevity that Koei Tecmo’s Nobunaga’s Ambition has enjoyed. While it might not be the world’s most popular and accessible strategy series – that goes to either Civilization or Total War – the commitment…
Read MoreThe developer behind all those Warriors games is back with Fate/Samurai Remnant, a stylized action RPG that will be launching later this year. As with previous titles in the Fate franchise, pairs of Master and heroic spirits – Servants – have been fighting across history in a series of Holy…
Read MoreI am surprised that Koei Tecmo and Gust decided to remake Atelier Marie. It is the original Atelier title, so there’s historical value in it, of course, but following the success of the Ryza series, which brought a new legion of fans to the series, I would have bet for…
Read MoreSometimes I get captivated with games I haven’t played, and there’s where I’m at with the entire Atelier series. I’m yet to touch one of the titles… yet I can’t help but follow the news of every. single. game. When Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg was announced, I…
Read MoreIt’s very rare that I get to write this, but the Nobunaga’s Ambition series is hitting 40 this year. That’s 40 years of Kou Shibusawa’s historical simulation franchise. 40! Very few game series that are still running are older than me, so that’s downright impressive. It’s also completely understandable, as…
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