Little Witch Nobeta is basically Charm Souls


Little Witch Nobeta has been a significant (and perhaps mildly surprising) hit since first releasing on PC last year. For a game developed by a tiny team, having a “Very Positive” rating on Steam, off more than 8,300 players, is a significant achievement. Soon, courtesy of Idea Factory International, the…

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Review: Path of the Midnight Sun (PC)


Mystery. Romance. Monsters. These are common elements of JRPGs. And they are all part of Path of the Midnight Sun, a new indie entry to the genre that has just released. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to preview the game last month. Even in my brief (two…

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The ten best JRPGs of 2022


2022 will be remembered as one of the finest years for the JRPG genre of all time. Not only did we get new (and excellent) JRPGs to play at an almost staggering rate, but we also enjoyed an incredible range of remasters that made several classics accessible again for the…

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