Review: Bashi Blocks HD (iPad)


I appreciate the need for developers to come up with concepts that are unique within the genre they exist within, especially if it’s such an old genre as Breakout. I appreciate indie developers that do it to stand out even more – often that originally leads to a unique experience,…

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Review: Cargo Runners (iPad)


There are a number of different ways iPad developers are handling the board games that are proliferating on the device. Some opt to create a robust AI and online multiplayer gaming experience, such as Ticket to Ride. Others try and recreate the experience of playing a board game on a…

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Review: Cargo Runners (iPad)


There are a number of different ways iPad developers are handling the board games that are proliferating on the device. Some opt to create a robust AI and online multiplayer gaming experience, such as Ticket to Ride. Others try and recreate the experience of playing a board game on a…

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Review: Astroslugs (iPad)


Astroslugs is one of those really irritating games that you’ll keep playing, even as you want to throw your iPad against a wall. Developers, Bit Baron, have managed to tap into that obsessive compulsive desire to complete every puzzle the game can throw at you, while at the same time…

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Review: Astroslugs (iPad)


Astroslugs is one of those really irritating games that you’ll keep playing, even as you want to throw your iPad against a wall. Developers, Bit Baron, have managed to tap into that obsessive compulsive desire to complete every puzzle the game can throw at you, while at the same time…

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Editorial: Why I love gaming on the iPad


I’ve been playing games since the original Game Boy, and I enjoy a bit of just about everything. And as I’ve become financially independent, I’ve been able to afford more consoles and more games – this generation I’ve got just about everything bar the Xbox 360, and the only reason…

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Editorial: Why I love gaming on the iPad


I’ve been playing games since the original Game Boy, and I enjoy a bit of just about everything. And as I’ve become financially independent, I’ve been able to afford more consoles and more games – this generation I’ve got just about everything bar the Xbox 360, and the only reason…

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