News by Lindsay M. It is not an exaggeration to say that Boyfriend Dungeon is one of the most creative, unique titles I’ve ever had the pleasure of writing about. In the game, you fight your way through.a dungeon — totally normal, right? It sure it, until you add in…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. One way to get my attention really fast is to claim that you’re making a “serene and evocative narrative experience.” Not only are you focusing on the bit of video games that I enjoy the most (the narrative), but you’re also using words that are very……
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Tetra’s Escape isn’t inspiring. It looks like a student coding project, if that student forgot to get an artist to replace the stand-in graphics that they used while building the game. One of the main selling points of the game is that it’s an easy platinum…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. Colin Thiele’s Storm Boy is an iconic piece of children’s literature. Already adapted into a film (and with another film adaptation coming), it is one of the most well-known and respected examples of Australian storytelling, and now, courtesy of Blowfish Studios, it’s being adapted into a…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Crush Your Enemies is yet another effort at giving the Nintendo Switch a simplified “casual” strategy experience, just in case the recently-released Mushroom Wars 2 and Element weren’t enough for you. Wrapped up in a blanket of juvenile humour, Crush Your Enemies is passingly fun, but…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Tanzia isn’t the first single player game to attempt to emulate the classical MMO. It won’t be the last. There have been successful attempts at this; the Sword Art Online franchise, for example, or Cyberdimension Neptunia. And then there’s Taniza. Dear lord is Tanzia a brutally…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. The best way to catch my attention is to promise “cosmic horror inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and Junji Ito.” It’s the reference to Ito that gets it over the line. Everyone knows who Lovecraft is. That’s an easy reference to claim. To also be inspired by…
Read MoreReview by Priscilla M. Cosmic Star Heroine was on my radar since the initial Kickstarter in 2013, but it was not until the Switch port that I was given a chance to experience the galactic wonder for myself. Cosmic Star Heroine is touted as a game for fans of JRPGs…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Strategy games that focus on the future wars that humanity will fight over over the scarce remaining resources of the planet are becoming more common, and with good reason. Those wars, when they come – and so long as the world continues on the current capitalist…
Read MoreReview by Tyler T. It’s only fitting that Path of Motus, a game centered around learning from one’s mistakes and self-betterment, is in fact a remake of Sententia, one of the Xbox 360’s ugliest and critically dismissed titles. When it was released in 2012, the title had little going for…
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