Fire Emblem Direct Recap – four Fire Emblem games on the way


News by Clark A. In what some expected to be a fairly predictable Nintendo Direct, Nintendo came out swinging. Announcing two new games, fresh amiibo, and additional details about two recently revealed games, this presentation packed a ton into 15 minutes. The blockbuster announcement here is Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows…

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Review: Langrisser Re:Incarnation -TENSEI- (Nintendo 3DS)


Review by Matt S. I’m pretty sure that I’m meant to deeply dislike Langrisser Re:Incarnation -TENSEI-. Virtually everything that I’ve seen about the game has been negative, every time I’ve seen it mentioned on Twitter has been in a context that is… less than complimentary, and those screenshots aren’t exactly…

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Review: Fire Emblem Fates: Special Edition (Nintendo 3DS)


Review by Clark A.  Since its inception in the early nineties, Fire Emblem has been forward-thinking with its humanisation of war. In a period when competing titles had players manipulate generic tanks and infantrymen for glory or without context, Intelligent Systems’ tactics series put a face to each of its…

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The Friday Ten: Matt’s ten most played Wii U games in 2015


One of the neat little features that Nintendo has implemented into both its Wii U and 3DS consoles is a playtime recording app, that tracks which games you’ve been playing, and for how long. Nintendo probably implemented this so parents can make sure their kids aren’t spending too much time…

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