Did you miss any of our streams last week? Catch up here!


Article by Matt S. Last week we delved into an all-time classic Final Fantasy for our retro stream, played a bit of beach volleyball for the DDNet After Dark fanservice session, and continued the adventures of Hinako and her friends in Blue Reflection. Then we undertook a disasterous military campaign…

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The Friday Ten: Ten of the finest Nintendo DS JRPGs


The Nintendo DS was an absolute beast of a console when it came to JRPGs. The console itself was the first handheld that was really capable of 3D graphics and so the games, as primitive as they looked, did indeed look and play like modern games. And there were so…

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The Friday 10: Ten quotes from my favourite female characters of my youth


List by Jedediah H. Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so every so often we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste…

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Friday 10s: The ten must-own iPad games for serious gamers


List by Matt S. Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so every so often we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste…

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Friday 10s: The ten finest Nintendo DS JRPGs


List by Matt S. Without a doubt the Nintendo DS was a JRPG powerhouse. Developers were able to create meaty, in-depth experiences for a relatively low cost on the console, making it perfect for cash-strapped JRPG houses. Coming up with a list of my favourite ten JRPGs for the little…

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