3DS System Update 3.0 Now Available


If you can manage to connect to Nintendo’s servers, you’ll see that the much-awaited “November” update has finally arrived on the 3DS. It adds numerous new features to the console including 3D video recording, new StreetPass mini-games, a new home menu icon, and, most importantly, an updated version of the…

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3DS System Update 3.0 Now Available


If you can manage to connect to Nintendo’s servers, you’ll see that the much-awaited “November” update has finally arrived on the 3DS. It adds numerous new features to the console including 3D video recording, new StreetPass mini-games, a new home menu icon, and, most importantly, an updated version of the…

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Review: Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! (3DS)


Pretending for a second that the utterly dismal Let’s Golf never happened, Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! is the first “true” 3DS eShop download release. And it’s a great start, taking full advantage of the creativity that cheap downloadable games afford developers to take a few risks. Getting those risks out…

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Review: Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! (3DS)


Pretending for a second that the utterly dismal Let’s Golf never happened, Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! is the first “true” 3DS eShop download release. And it’s a great start, taking full advantage of the creativity that cheap downloadable games afford developers to take a few risks. Getting those risks out…

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Nintendo eShop the target of fraudsters?


Things can’t get worse for Nintendo right now with online gaming. Not only are they struggling to get content up on the eShop, but now it looks like fraudsters are ruining the party for them. With one, large, credit card company in Australia, trying to use the credit card to…

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Nintendo eShop the target of fraudsters?


Things can’t get worse for Nintendo right now with online gaming. Not only are they struggling to get content up on the eShop, but now it looks like fraudsters are ruining the party for them. With one, large, credit card company in Australia, trying to use the credit card to…

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