Review: Catherine: Full Body (Sony PlayStation 4)


Review by Matt S. The best stories about sexuality and human relationships are often the least sexy. There’s a point where a dive into the relationship between two people, the temptations and challenges they face, starts to become uncomfortably familiar. We can see ourselves in what we’re seeing on-screen, and…

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The 100 canonical games: 20-11


There are thousands upon thousands of games that have been released over the years. Narrowing them down to a “top 100” was always going to be a challenge, but the whole DDNet team has come together to build a list of the 100 most canonical games that we feel all…

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The Friday Ten: ten PlayStation 3 games we want mastered for PlayStation 4


List by Matt S.  We’ve seen a lot of PlayStation 3 remasters already, and yet there are indeed many more games that we’d like to see packaged up for a PlayStation 4 re-release. So this week we’ve come up with a ridiculously simple Friday Ten – the ten PlayStation 3…

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The Friday 10: Ten last gen games that nearly made me rage-quit on the hardest difficulty


List by Jedediah H. Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so every so often we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste…

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