Review by Matt S. Murasaki Baby is disturbed. Not just for its art style, which was clearly inspired by a mix of The Brothers Grimm and Tim Burton. That aesthetic has its role, and performs an admirable job of making it clear to players from the outset that this is…
Read MoreImpressions by Matt S. Without a shadow of a doubt I am going to love Never Alone. While I was only able to play one level at Tokyo Game Show, that short experience was already pulling on my heart strings in a genuine manner that made me care more about…
Read MorePreview by Nick H. We have been following Tri for a while now, with a focus on the unique art style it brings to the table. However, looking at still images is a world apart from getting our hands on the game – which is what I finally had a…
Read MoreReview by Jedediah H. Propelled by the wind, or perhaps by magical liberty, I drift the skies, the caves, the fabulous colours. But it’s the night hours in this particular world, and the blackness of the backdrop teases me to explore the apparent emptiness. So I quickly ascend and pierce…
Read MoreReview by Trent P. Who remembers the episode of The Simpsons in which Homer heads over to a chilli cookoff and consumes several ‘Guatemalan Insanity Peppers’, leading him to hallucinate and go on a vision quest in a surreal version of Springfield? Though Homer’s quest was about finding his soul…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. Contrast is an interesting look at a family struggling to stay together in the 1920’s. The primary character is a small girl named Didi, though the player actually controls Didi’s imaginary friend who shift through the light and shadows creating a world of 2D and 3D…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. A Song For Viggo is a point-and-click adventure game that explores the darkest of depression; it’s a game about the aftermath of a parent that accidentally kills their child. It’s a game that looked to Kickstarter to get funded, and with just four days left, it’s…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. Earlier this year, we noted that a really neat looking comic drawing app was coming to the Nintendo 3DS. Comic Studio had a truly great list of features for anyone who fancies themselves a comic artist in the making; capacity for up to 6,400 pages, and…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Entwined is a bittersweet story about relationships. Abstract as it is, it’s a heartfelt look at the way relationships function, and serves a reminder that communication within a relationship can be difficult, and can even break down, but the ultimate reward for getting it right is…
Read MoreReview by Chris I. There’s a certain eloquence that hinges on Shakespearean tragedy intricately seamed into the fabric of Supergiant Games’ Transistor. The talented minds behind the critically acclaimed and wonderfully crafted Bastion have moulded together another beautiful world in a signature digital oil painting aesthetic. What happens when a world goes…
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