News by Clark A. It’s safe to say Kill la Kill stirred up the anime community when the anime began airing in late 2013, gathering loyal fans and leaving others revolted. It wasn’t simply polarising in terms of quality either; the show spawned plenty of debates about its female heroines…
Read MoreNews by Clark A. Sword Art Online has proven to be a rather divisive show since it began airing, with many watchers either thoroughly decrying it or becoming enraptured by its high-stakes drama. Nonetheless, its popularity has skyrocketed since 2012 and there’s clearly sufficient hype surrounding the show’s second season…
Read MoreAnime report by Clark A. The Kagerou Project is a series of Vocaloid songs that conveys narratives musically, be it through very literal lyrics or abstract, metaphorical means. It was accompanied by several light novels before their popularity allowed enabled a transition into a manga series and, now, an anime…
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