Anime report by Clark A. Black Bullet takes place in a near future in which humanity is on the verge of extinction, courtesy of a parasitic race called Gastrea. Earth’s remaining occupants gather in an area surrounded by a wall that repels the alien forces to prevent further damage, though…
Read MoreNews by Clark A. NIS America is re-releasing one of the most outlandish shows it has published yet – Arakawa Under the Bridge. The publisher announced today that the standard edition of the show’s second season (titled Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge) would be seeing a release in North America…
Read MoreAnime report by Clark A. Though amnesia is among fiction’s most hackneyed tropes at this point, certain subtypes such as anterograde amnesia(the inability to develop new memories) are investigated far less often. What makes romantic comedy One Week Friends’s (or Isshuukan Friends) first episodes so engrossing is the combination of…
Read MoreNews by Clark A. Romantic comedy If Her Flag Breaks (known natively as Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara) is making its way to Crunchyroll in North America, courtesy of publisher NIS America. Adapted from the light novel of the same name, the show follows the exploits of Hatagaya Academy transfer student,…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Ever played a game that you know is terrible, but you just can’t stop playing? It has unappealing presentation, dull or broken gameplay, and almost no depth or finesse, but it’s something that you just have to complete? One Piece Romance Dawn is one of those…
Read MoreAs everyone who has read my ramblings knows, I’m a big time fan of GUST’s Atelier franchise. Atelier Escha & Logy is coming early next year, and we’ve just been hit by even better news; there’s an anime coming. Announced at the 20th anniversary celebrations at GUST, the anime series…
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