Review by Matt S. When I first played Malicious, back when it was a cheap PlayStation 3 downloadable game, I really didn’t like it much. Fast forward a couple of years to Malicious Fallen, and I’ve about-faced on that. I really like this game. I don’t know if there have…
Read MoreReview by Brad L. All of the cool kids these days are making some form of pixelated game intended as a throwback to the glory days of the 80’s. More often than not, the difficulty spike of the 80’s rears its ugly head as well. 8Days is no exception, and…
Read MoreReview by Clark A. Though it aired recently, Magical Girl Raising Project seems poised and to be fade into the background and dismissed in most corners as derivative. It openly shares commonalities with popular works that even some mainstream audiences will be wise to. Viewers undeterred by the theme of…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. The premise of taking the addictive qualities that make online competitive shooters so popular and doing something unique with the medieval setting that replaces guns with swords and axes is a good one. A really good one. And there are a lot of really great ideas…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. The last time Koei Tecmo attempted a genuinely adult Warriors game, we ended up with Warriors: Legends of Troy. That game went down so well Koei Tecmo shut the studio that developed it. Which is a pity because I actually really liked it. Related reading: Koei’s…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Before I started playing Fate/Extella, I had no real idea of what the Fate series was. I’d watched the Fate/Zero anime, but wasn’t really sure of what was going on in that one. I think it says a lot about Fate/Extella’s quality that I’m now watching…
Read MoreReview by Matt C I like to think that I’m pretty good at finding the positive qualities of games, even ones that are “bad”. There are lots of widely-panned games that I rather like, and even in games I don’t enjoy, I can usually see at least see the potential.…
Read MoreReview by Pierre-Yves L. Frank West has done it all. He covered the original zombie outbreak in Willamette USA for which he himself got infected for his efforts. He then helped develop a cure for it which then become a well-known pharmaceutical product known as Zombrex which helped both Frank…
Read MoreReview by Britta S. The original Ittle Dew game came out just over two years ago, first for Ouya and PC, then for Wii U and mobile. It attracted attention because it is crafted in the classic mould of Zelda games, with A Link to the Past being closest, while…
Read MoreReview by Nick H. The original Watch Dogs had all sorts of potential, but it too often seemed to miss the mark both in style and substance. It was a game that I enjoyed in the moment but it’s also one that I’ve never come back to; the longevity just…
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