Review by Brad L. One was an inventor known for designing the alternating-current system used predominately in the world today. The other wrote short stories and novels, and created the mythical monster, Cthulhu. So of course society needs to know who would win in a battle to the death between…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Penny-Punching Princess represents game development when it’s at its most irritating – it’s a good idea that constantly compromises itself in the pursuit of meaningless “fun”. What we have here is a foundation that could have easily been used to great effect. It’s a game that…
Read MoreReview by Ginny W. Violence in video games is a hot button topic nowadays. Whether it’s a gory decapitation or a continuous slaughterfest of screaming enemies, gratuitous murder is the order of the day for a lot of titles, both old and new. I don’t have a problem with the…
Read MoreReview by Brad L. The Nintendo Switch has been home to many, many ports so far. Some have been great ports that has boosted the Switch library in its first year, and others not so great. Arc System Works have seen the potential of porting its Vita library to the…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. Berlin-based developer, Phantom 8, has released another trailer of its upcoming Past Cure ahead of its release next week. This one’s promising to be a dark game indeed. It follows the story of Ian; a soldier fellow who has become a lab experiment which has left…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. There isn’t that much that I can say about Bayonetta 2 and its predecessor that I haven’t already. I reviewed Bayonetta 2 when it was released on the Wii U, and this is almost a straight port of that game. The original comes as a bonus…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. The Switch has its fair share of top-down shoot-em-ups, but most take heavy influence from the arcade philosophy of design: three lives, high scores and punishing difficulty. Sky Force Reloaded takes a different approach – it uses RPG progression systems to create a smoother difficulty curve,…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the most dense, lengthy, weighty books written in any language. It’s 2,339 pages long. For context, War and Peace, the historical novel that people always love to reference as being a massive slog of a read, is barely…
Read MoreReview by Harvard L. The Roman invasion of Britain in the early turn of the century was a bloody one, with scars left across the isles even today – and Wulverblade takes this period and uses it as a setting for one of the most violent beat-em-ups on the market.…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Anime tie-in games are a tough gig now. Fans have expectations, and as we’ve seen with the likes of Persona 4 Arena, Arslan: The Warriors of Legend, and Dragon Ball FighterZ from earlier this year, it’s no longer enough to simply provide a workable gameplay system…
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