Review: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z (PlayStation 3)


Review by Nick H. When you see the name Ninja Gaiden, certain expectations spring to mind. My own history with the series dates back to enjoying the simple side scrolling arcade brawler in very difficult NES titles. After the shift to 3D gameplay the series has instead been interested in bathing…

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Review: Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition (PlayStation 4)


Review by Matt S. The Tomb Raider reboot is worthy of a great deal of praise. It was quality entertainment when it was originally released on last-gen consoles, and the same remains true for the upscaled PlayStation 4 game. If you are a console-orientated person, and don’t have a high-spec…

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Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadows – Mirror of Fate (3DS)


Somewhere along the line, Mirror of Fate lost me. I’m not quite sure exactly where that was, and I did manage to struggle on despite not really engaging with the experience, but there was definitely a point where this game went from being filled with potential to being a startlingly-simple…

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