Set in an alternate 19th-century Japan near the end of the Boshin War, Shadow of the Road combines tradition, modernity, Japanese mythology, and steampunk technology. Yōkai are supernatural entities that live in this enchanting realm where your decisions shape destiny. Each one is inspired by folklore and popular beliefs. Today’s new trailer for Shadow of the Road show reveals some of these enigmatic spirits that shape the game’s narrative and gameplay.
In Shadow of War, you lead a diverse group through this alternate world, trying to change the war’s course. Tokugawa’s spymaster leads the journey attempting to protect a boy with uncontrollable powers. His first recruits are two ronin warriors, Satoru and Akira. Along the way, others will join, confronting escalating battles and attempting to reclaim their honour.
The game’s yōkai are unpredictable and powerful, resulting in some confusion as to their intentions; they can be friendly, mischievous, or menacing. Humans and yōkai are always profoundly intertwined. Some yōkai are guardians that forge bonds to affect the story, but others are formidable opponents that turn combat into a dynamic, high-stakes battle. Harness the yōkais’ powers to control them in battle.
Developed by Another Angle Games and published by Owlcat Games, Shadow of the Road will be released for PC via Steam. No other launch information is available.
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