Konami’s Ash now available for Android, Ash II coming soon

2 mins read

Konami’s Ash series of old school RPG’s has proven pretty popular on iOS devices, now Android owners everywhere can see what the fuss is about.

Ash is available right this very second on the Android Marketplace for just a $1.99 USD. And if you’re looking for double the fun, it’s sequel Ash II: Shadows will be up very soon for the exact same asking price.

Designed especially for RPG fans all over the world, Ash is a classic turn-based RPG that brings players back to the Golden Age of Role Playing Games.  Set in the beautifully realized world of Aghaus, Ash’s intuitive interface, wonderfully orchestrated score, and compellingly epic story will capture players’ imagination. Ash tells the story of two mercenaries on the fringes of the Empire of Aghaus, a once-great kingdom now fallen into ruin after the death of its king five years prior.  When a routine contract takes an unexpected turn, the two men are gradually embroiled in a conflict that consumes the entire continent—and brings to light the mercenaries’ puzzling pasts.

Ash II: Shadows follows the events of the award-winning Ash, featuring a new story, quests, and characters set in the world of Aghaus. In Ash II: Shadows, the world of Aghaus is once again in peril, and the heroes of old must heed the call to embark on another dangerous adventure. Players join characters Nicholas and Damien as they pursue new quests, discover ancient mysteries, and find unexpected allies.  With a brilliantly original tale and stunning HD hand-drawn graphics, Ash II: Shadows features heart pounding classic RPG gameplay with innovative touch-based controls.

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