007 Legends brings on Lazenby – Digitally Downloaded

007 Legends brings on Lazenby

3 mins read

Okay, not really Lazenby per say, but On Her Majesty’s Secret Service will very much be one of the featured Bond adventures in Activision’s upcoming shooter.

Actually, though a lot of Bond fans don’t exactly hold George Lazenby in the highest of regard (he’s probably the least liked actor to play James Bond on film) Majesty’s is a pretty solid movie. The plot involves 007 going undercover to bust a European crime syndicate in the Swiss Alps.

True love is hard to find but James Bond has finally found his equal in the beautiful Tracy di Vicenzo, the daughter of European crime syndicate head Marc-Ange Draco – Bond’s key contact for tracking down criminal mastermind Ernst Stavro Blofeld. After wooing Tracy and their ensuing whirlwind romance, they jet set off to the Swiss Alps as Bond pursues Blofeld. It’s here, in a picturesque Alpine setting, that gamers encounter an avalanche of action. Blofeld is aware of Bond’s undercover ruse and kidnaps Tracy, luring Bond into a rescue mission involving a fast-paced downhill ski chase and a confrontation in a high-flying cable car, which also uncovers Blofeld’s master plan to release a deadly virus in five of the world’s largest cities. With the help of Tracy’s father, players must infiltrate Blofeld’s private research facilityin the Swiss Alps, thwart the release of the virus and save Tracy before it’s too late.

Much like the previously announced Moonraker, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service will be updated to a more modern look so that it fits in with Daniel Craig’s version of the secret agent. In all there will be five classic 007 missions converted to the current style which’ll make up the primary game with a final sixth level taking place during the forthcoming movie- Skyfall. That one will be made available as free DLC post launch.

This isn’t just a mashup though, so don’t get that idea. There will be an overarching storyline that actually ties all six movies together into one big conspiratorial bow. It sounds like some very cool stuff and if it’s done right I could easily see 007 Legends being the first great Bond game in a long, long time.

007 Legends skies its way to the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC this Autumn.

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  • Ah, Lazenby, the Aussie Bond.

    Perhaps it's just my patriotism speaking through, but Lazenby was a deeply underrated Bond. His Majestys is, as you said, a brilliant Bond film that actually had some depth to it.

    In fact, I'm going to go and watch it now.

  • I sold my collection of Bond movies years ago on eBay 🙁 I had "no room" for the box set. Sellers remorse!

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