
1 min read

Solid Snake fans have some trophy hunting to do as the PS3 hit Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots gets support for Sony’s award system three and a half years after the fact.

Of course, there was no ‘mandatory’ updating for games that were available before the PS3 adopted the Trophy system, so Konami didn’t actually have to add anything to MGS4. Why they chose to do it now is a bit of a mystery, but it is kind of cool that they did.

In total, the game now has 34 Trophies to earn, some of which are for non-essential tasks. Konami explains:

The trophies include rewards for Easter eggs, such as using a drum can to knock down an enemy, and will give users a welcome chance to revisit one of the most acclaimed PlayStation®3 titles of all time.

Acclaimed it is. Metal Gear Solid 4 has sold in the millions of units- and there are probably more than a few fans out there who won’t mind in the least playing through again to nab some Trophies. Gotta have something to do till MGS5 debuts after all.

Trophy support is included in an automatic update- all you need to do is fire up the game in and log into the PSN

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  • I think this is very cool – if perhaps a bit overdue. I enjoyed the game, and yes it released waaay before trophies, but I also beat and sold it like two years ago. 🙂

  • I have never played a metal gear game. I know crazy rite well now i will be going to buy at least one or two of them, this was just what i needed to push me into getting it

  • They are generally very good games. I had a gap in my play experience, having played the first few that came out, including the NES orignal, and then playing Solid 4 as one of my earlier PS3 games. Good stuff.

  • Solid 4 is definitely a good one- though I did find it a little unnecessarily long. For me though, none of them (even the NES originals) come even remotely close to Metal Gear Solid on the PSOne. Good lord I love that game.

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