nsmb2-arrives-this-week-on-nintendo – Digitally Downloaded


3 mins read

New Super Mario Bros 2 will be available day and date with the retail release of the game. That’s pretty big news. You know what else is pretty big? More Theatrhythm.

There are more than a few fans of Square/Enix’ rhythm-puzzle game Theatrhythm. Now fans can get even more of the game by downloading the Final Fantasy Add-on pack. The new DLC adds in 70 tracks from the classic series of role-playing games for you to play around with. That’ll keep you busy for a while. 

But lets get back to Mario for a second. Releasing a new Mario Bros title digitally at the same time as the retail box version is huge for Nintendo. The publisher has never been all that high on online anything, so this is a move that’s really nice to see. And the best part is that the game will be available digitally before it hits shelves as it’ll post at 12 midnight on the 19th. Unless you have a 24 hour Gamestop in your neighborhood, that means fans can play New Super Mario Bros 2 by downloading it first. Pretty cool.




A Month of Mario

  • Mario’s Picross – $3.99 — This week, “A Month of Mario” is featuring Mario’s Picross. Starting today through Wednesday, Aug. 22, this mind-bending puzzle game is available at a discounted price of $2.99.


  • New Super Mario Bros 2 – Coin Rush Mode: A series of videos are being released in the Nintendo eShop to give players a special look at New Super Mario Bros. 2. A new video highlighting the competitive Coin Rush mode is now available. 



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