The week’s Play-Asia specials: Dark Souls. Yes. Cheap Dark Souls

2 mins read

If you’re on the hunt for some cheap games for your consoles, Play-Asia rotates around weekly specials, and there are often some really great bargains to be picked up.

So what’s on for this week? Huge action this week. Whether it’s running through deep dungeons, running-and-gunning, or hacking through legions of the dead, there’s plenty here for a wide range of gamers.

Dark Souls (PS3) – If you have a PlayStation 3 and haven’t yet played this game you’re probably insane. Just kidding, of course, but Dark Souls is one of the finest games produced this generation, and for less than $20 you really can’t go wrong. Time to see what the fuss is about, folks.

Street Fighter X Tekken (Vita) – One of the better fighting games on the Vita, Street Fighter X Tekken is a great game for on-the-go biffo. It’s a full console quality title and having that in the pocket can’t be beat. Hah, pun, right?

PlayStation 2 Classics – Play-Asia is also clearing out some PlayStation 2 classics. You’ve got Shin Megami Tensei: Nocture (bit of trivia; in Australia my review of that game for the Official PlayStation 2 magazine was quoted on the box. This made me happy), the original Kingdom Hearts, and Persona 3. Not bad grabs if you’ve not played them before!

Thank you again for your support, and enjoy the games! Just click on the image below to be taken to the Play-Asia website. We thank you for your support by buying your games through our Affiliates program.

As a disclaimer; Digitally Downloaded is a Play-Asia affiliate, and we do gain some income from any games you purchase by clicking on the link below. It’s win-win for you and us, as you get games cheap, and we get to eat (we tend to get cranky and write bad reviews when we’re starving), so we thank you for your support. The affiliate arrangement in no way affects our editorial coverage.

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