Trailer: Final Fantasy Type-0: Enter the Fray, prepare for the blood

2 mins read

News by Jedediah H.

Because the Final Fantasy series is responsible for my induction into the world of playful gaming participation (I was mostly an observer, watching my brother play, before FF II for the SNES), I keep an eye on the birth and development of just about anything related to the franchise (yes, even Chocobo Racing, back when it was a “thing”). Like most of you, I have been fortunate enough to witness first-hand the series’ evolution, and with Final Fantasy Type-0’s new trailer “Enter the Fray,” I’m excited to get a hint of how, like Final Fantasy Tactics, Square Enix handles darker themes and a grittier aesthetic.    

This isn’t my “sissy” childhood’s Final Fantasy; within the first 30 seconds, we’re made privy to a Chocobo crying for respite as he lies wounded, riddled in what looks to be the blood of him and his rider.

But what you may also notice is how sharp the graphics look, especially when you consider that the game is an upgrade to a three year old PSP title, as well as the intensity with which the real-time battle system appears to play. But as Matt said during his Hands-on time with the adventure, the speed of the camera takes a bit of getting used to, and makes it difficult to keep track of everything flashing before your eyes.

“The camera has nothing on my provocative sleight-of-hand.”

Final Fantasy Type-0’s day of arrival is 20th March 2015, in Europe; 17th March 2015, in North America – for the PS4 and Xbox One. Shall we get hype (and possibly a bit of virtual blood on our feathers)?

-Jedediah H.
News Editor
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