If the Final Fantasy franchise mated with the Monster Hunter franchise, the resulting baby would be Final Fantasy Explorers. The game was released in Asia last year, but now it’s going global with Square Enix confirming it will be released on 3DS in North America and Europe on next January. Yep, next January! So soon! So happy!
The game’s concept came from Atsushi Hashimoto (who also worked on the DS remake of FFII). It follows a group of adventures from Libertas as they hunt for pieces of a Grand Crystal. Different character classes are available; examples are familiar to the franchise (and many other RPGs) and include knight, monk, black mage, and white mage. Players can play with friends via online co-op.
Final Fantasy Explorers will be released in North America on January 26, 2016 and Europe on January 29, 2016. That is less than six months until we can get our hands on it, and we couldn’t be more excited!
– Lindsay M.
News Editor