The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #7: Pac-Man 256

2 mins read

It’s that time of year again! The Christmas countdown is a tradition at Digitally Downloaded. Like the advent calendars filled with a chocolate each day, with our Christmas countdown we highlight a game each day that is perfect to help you get through the silly season.

Christmas is a time for family and friends, so it’s a good time of year to bust out the multiplayer games. It’s typically a time that people get some holidays, so it’s a good time to knock off some of those RPGs from the backlog.

More than anything else, it’s a good time for gaming. So grab a game or two from our little list and have yourself a Merry Christmas!

 The 24 Games Of Christmas
Day #7: Pac-Man 256

Attending and organising Christmas parties with friends and family takes time. Pac-Man 256 slots nicely into those inevitable five minute blocks that would otherwise be spent aimlessly twiddling your thumbs.
But then again, you’ll probably play more than five minutes at a time because this game is the most criminally addictive free-to-play game in years. You don’t even need to spend a cent to get its true value. Take the endlessly gratifying Pac-Man formula and merge it with Crossy Road’s aesthetics and you’ve got a dream team of arcade-style action. As far as timewasters go, Pac-Man 256 is one of the very best.

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