The 24 games of Christmas! Game #18: Mario Party 2

2 mins read

Ho, ho, ho, and Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. If you’re in the north then you get to enjoy snow, hot drinks, the wonderful colours of decorations and the smell of a freshly-cut Christmas tree. If you’re south of the equator, it means blistering hot weather, beer, and the wonderful colours of decorations and the smell of a freshly-cut Christmas tree.

Christmas is a time for good food, family, and friends. It’s a time for celebration, and Christmas is the time of year where it’s okay to be a kid all over again, and count down the days to gifts and celebrations one day at a time. Each year we get into the spirit of the season ourselves with a countdown of our own; the 24 Games of Christmas!

So please do join in the countdown with us, crack open some great games, and enjoy the season!

Game #18: Mario Party 2
(Read our review of the game here)

A round of Mario Party around the fireplace is the perfect way to spend Christmas Eve. Mario Party bolsters the traditional board game structure using mini-games and mechanics that provide greater player agency (and the opportunity to form alliances or crush all in your wake). Oh, and there’s a little bit of luck involved too. Thus, a seemingly mundane 20 turn bout becomes a roller coaster of emotions.

If you’ve played any of the games, you already know this. The million dollar question of, course, is which Mario Party you should play. Though there are 10+ titles to choose from, we’re partial to the second N64 entry. It worked out many of the first game’s quirks whilst forgoing some of the excessive trimmings of later entries. The element of luck is present enough to keep events dynamic and the playing field even but not so soul destroying as to make every game feel 100% devoid of skill either.

If you’ve got a Wii U, why not give the Virtual Console game a spin?

– Clark A. 
Anime Editor 

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