It’s that time of year again! We’re counting down the days to Christmas with our own little “advent calendar” – one new game to play over the holiday season each and every day.
As the year winds down, things get really busy. We’ve got Christmas parties to attend, the end of year rush on work, and all the rest of it. But it’s also a time where we take holidays, find a moment to relax, and enjoy the company of others. This is the best chance to catch up on some key games that you might have missed from the year… or just play that multiplayer game that you’ve been waiting to get a crew together for.
Day 23: Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid
Why are we talking about a game that is about Summer for Christmas? Well, firstly because for some of us Christmas is in the Summer, but putting that aside, when you think about Christmas, what do you think about? Childhood? Warm memories of the Christmas parties of years past? Probably, right? Christmas is a time for nostalgia and memories, and that makes Natsu-Mon, a game purely about these things, and ideal Christmas experience.
On top of the thematic fit, Natsu-Mon is a delightful and playful sandbox game that is very difficult to put down once you start exploring and “living” in it. It’s also one of the strongest cultural games from Japan that we’ve played in quite some time. Play this and you’ll come away knowing something new about the Japanese mindset and view on the world. So it’s wins all around to play this.