Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku launched months ago in Japan, and in July a version including an English language option was released in Asia. It feels like I’ve been waiting longer than that to sweat alongside everyone’s favourite vocaloid, so having so much DLC mere weeks post-launch is a dream come true. Today, Aksys revealed the contents of the four DLC packs that will launch through mid-September and October.
This iteration of the Fitness Boxing franchise brings Hatsune Miku to the forefront as you duck, jab, and punch alongside her and her friends (and some original Fitness Boxing instructors). Even Miku needs to exercise! The base game includes 24 classic Miku songs plus over 30 background songs from the Fitness Boxing series.
In his review of the Japanese version for DDNet, Matt raved about the music and progress tracking in Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku; though he was disappointed in the lack of apparel available, it barely dulled the game’s shine.
Miku Exercise Editor will be released on September 19. You can choose your favourite songs and set the actions to create your workout. You can edit the original versions or start from scratch. Your created Miku Exercise can be shared with other players. Courses made or downloaded using Miku Exercise will only work in single-player mode.
Exercise BGM Pack Vol.1 will be released on September 26. The first of two music packs, it includes a few instrumental arrangements of Piapro Characters’ songs: World is Mine / ryo (supercell), Tale of the Deep-sea Lily / n-buna, and dreamin chuchu / emon (Tes.).
Exercise BGM Pack Vol.2 will be released on October 3. The second of two music packs, it includes a few more instrumental arrangements of Piapro Characters’ songs: Hand in Hand / kz (livetune), kokoro / Toraboruta, Paradichlorobenzene / Garuna (OwataP).
Additional Costume Sakura Miku will be released on October 10. It adds a super adorable Sakura Miku outfit inspired by cherry blossoms to the game. The spring-themed Miku outfit dresses her in a cherry blossom-coloured outfit and is topped off with cherry-themed hair accessories.
Developed by Hexadrive and published in the West by Aksys, Fitness Boxing feat. Hatsune Miku will be released for Nintendo Switch on September 5. The DLC launches from September 19 through October 10, as detailed above.
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