Podcast-in-Video: The Games of September – Digitally Downloaded

Podcast-in-Video: The Games of September

So many RPGs... So. Many. Hours.

1 min read
A hero shot for Baten Kaitos on Nintendo Switch

As we start to ramp up towards the end of the year, the release schedule for games is… well, it’s starting to become intimidating.

But of course, there’s so much to look forward to that it’s a nice problem to have.

Let us know which games you’re looking forward to the most this month!

And don’t forget to check out the full podcast!

Matt S. is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of DDNet. He's been writing about games for over 20 years, including a book, but is perhaps best-known for being the high priest of the Church of Hatsune Miku.

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